OUR 1-Year Anniversary!
September 5, 2016

As we celebrate today, we realize how we are so very blessed. This has been an amazing year! We continue to grow in faith and in love, and are thankful for our family and friends that have supported us along the way.


— September 5, 2015 —

Thank you for helping us celebrate our first day together as Husband & Wife, We feel very honored to have so many wonderful friends & family and are genuinely touched by all the love, well wishes and generous gifts received.

Please enjoy the photos from our special day!


SAYING... "I Do!"





To Follow Us, Search for:


Kelly's Story

Kelly was raised in Montgomery County Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Her mom and dad Don and Sandi were very supportive of all of her interests as a child. She studied art, dance, and attended many arts programs. She has a sister Kim, who has 4 children and 1 grandchild, making Kelly an aunt and a great-aunt.

Inspired by her grandmother (a talented painter) she went on to compete in many fine arts competitions and attended Duke Ellington HS for the Arts where she studied art and even participated in a theater group. She also attended Atlanta College of Art in Atlanta, GA. were she received a BA in Advertising.

She is a freelance graphic designer in her spare time, and also loves photography, genealogy, salsa dancing, Bellydance.

Patrick's Story

Patrick grew up in the picturesque town of Buffalo Junction, VA, near the North Carolina State line. An only child, his mother and father, Larry and Lena, were loving and supportive parents. Church was at the forefront of life as his dad was a deacon in the church. He was fortunate to live in a small town with many of his relatives very close by, so in that sense, we wasn't an only child at all.

He attended Chowan University, were he studied Business Administration and Computer Information Systems. He later moved to Charlottesville, VA were he resided until moving to Maryland.

He is a big movie enthusiast and is especially talented in computer technology.

Our Story

We met online on a social networking site in 2007. We talked for weeks online and when we met in person, it was love at first sight. Patrick moved to Maryland our relationship grew.

In 2010 we adopted Princess Fiona, and we became a family.

We are so excited to get married at Brookside Gardens, (a place we often visit) among a small group of family and friends, surrounded by God's green earth and hopefully lots of flowers.

We feel so blessed to finally get married! We look forward to loving and laughing together for the rest of our lives, God willing.

On September 10, 2016
We are headed to BERMUDA!

We'll be taking a Royal Caribbean Cruise on the Grandure of the Seas. Thanks to everyone that contributed to making our honeymoon possible! We love and appreciate all the wedding gifts!

~Kelly & Patrick~


Our Vows!

It is a little difficult to hear Patrick, so turn up your volume.
Kelly's (1:20) vows are much louder.


Follow us on INSTAGRAM:

Tag photos #kandploveinthegarden

You can follow us if you are a member of Instagram. Download the FREE app on your cell phone!

You can "tag" photos from all of our celebrations with: #kandploveinthegarden so our followers can stay up to date with the wedding! It will also be displayed here on our website.


from the
Welcome Dinner
to come Soon!



W e l c o m e   D i n n e r

American Pizza Bistro

Friday, Sept 4
5:30 p.m.


Let's gather at Matchbox to enjoy dinner together the night before the wedding. We have reserved 20 seats, and they fill fast, so please let us know if you will be joining us.

This will be held at the
Rockville, MD location.

Entree prices range from $14–$22 on average. Appetizers cost less.


{4} Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. {5} It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. {6} Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. {7} It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

— 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, New International Version (NIV)


Engagement Photos
at Maymont in Richmond, vA
April 11, 2015

Photographed by Kimie James ~ IYQ Photography


Guest Book:

Please use this form to leave well-wishes for Kelly & Patrick.

From: Yvonne, John & Jax


Congratulations from all of us ! We are so happy you guys found each other.


From: "Byp Dipper"

Best of Best Wishes!

Kelly you have always been the sweetest spirited pumpkin and I wish you the bestest lady! May God help you 2 to do and go beyond the point where so many fail, and defined the real meaning of everlasting!

Cheek pinch!

From: Kelly Hughes

Happy Life, Happy Wife!

Wishing you to a very humble non-stressful life together! Continue to love each other and communicate. It's a beautiful thing when you find your mate in life and you're ready to take that next step, and I want to wish my cousin a very happy life with my new cousin-in-law. Love you!

—Kelly Hughes

From: Ted Kirk


I wish you both a blissful long journey together, and may your love each other continue for the both of your life.

— Ted

Love is in the Air!

Kelly and Patrick we are so very happy for two. Love is in the air and Walter(Mook) and I would like to take this time to Thank you again for helping with our beautiful Wedding Day. You guys are Blessed to have found each other and remember....A strong marriage doesn't always have two strong people at the same time. It is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.

Twanessa & Walter (Mook)

From: Jim Rucker


Message: May the love you have for each other last forever, and forever, and forever, and forever!!!! I raise my glass to toast two people who were brought together in God's love to share their lives as a Perfect Couple!!! May the both of you Be Blessed!!

— Jim

From: Mrs. Sherri Howard

You Make a Wonderful Couple!

I am so happy for Patrick and Kelly. I am honored to be a bridesmaid in your wedding, finally I'm a bridesmaid. I take this responsibility to heart. Can't wait to see you both married. You make a wonderful couple.

— Sherri

From: Rosemary Gray

Wedding Wishes

Kelly and Patrick,

Congratulations! I wish you both lots of happiness, smiles, and love!

— Aunt Rosemary

From: William Bundy

An Ode To Love

(Kelly & Patrick's Wedding Edition)

At first sight, they new it was more than a brief fleeting moment, more than an encounter, more than fondness, more than best friends.

At first sight, it was that smile, that stare, those eyes, those lips, that swagger, those curves, that voice, that hair.

At first sight, it was a dream, a blessing, a wish, a desire, a moment of endless possibilities.

At first sight, they new they were willing to grow, learn, adjust, sing, dance, cook, praise, pray, sacrifice, and rise to the challenge of doing whatever it takes to make this bond a lasting union for "The Ages".

At first sight, Kelly&Patrick knew deep down in there "anointed souls" that what God brought together, no mere mortal shall interfere, protest, or cause harm.

At first sight, it was............LOVE️.

Maid of Honor

Kim is the Bride's big sister. A mom of 4 and a grandmother of 1; Dylan (the Ring Bearer). Kim keeps busy as a Recreation Center Director, she is an active member of her church, and has many hobbies which include Dance Ministry, Co-Ed Softball, and Crafting.


Shannon is a long-time friend of the Bride. They met in High School. A talented chef, Shannon is a loving mother of 2, and a "Glam-Ma" of 1. She has had celebrity clients and likes to donate her talents by cooking for church functions in her spare time.


Sherri is a long-time friend of the Bride. She is a registered nurse, and enjoys taking care of others. She's a loving wife, and a mother of 1. Sherri met the Bride while salsa dancing in 2006.


Raymond, a military platoon officer, is a cousin of the Groom.


Darell, a medical warehouse supervisor, is a cousin of the Groom.


Wesley is a cousin of the Groom. He is an accountant by day and runs his own radio show; Flava Lab, by night in the Greensboro, NC area. He is also owner of Flava Lab Apparel. 

Ring bearer

Dylan handsome young man is the great-nephew of the Bride. He brings so much joy to our family. We are thrilled to have him as the ring bearer. Special thanks to his mom, Tiara Bryant for allowing him to be part of this special day! Dylan will soon be 5 years old.


Flower Girls (in order pictured)

These beautiful, vibrant girls are the daughters of Sean and Candace Metcalf. The Bride went to college in Atlanta with Candace, and later became reacquainted with her on the MD/DC/VA salsa dancing scene. Candace is also a wedding planner. Special thanks to Candace, Sean & their Aunt Crystal Nelson for allowing the girls to be part of this special day! The triplets are 5 years old.

Wedding Coordinator

Twanessa is the Brides's cousin. A loving mother to two children and 3 grandchildren, she is a multi-talented retired Fed-Ex worker, that is especially talented in party planning and catering.